Discovering the Healing Power of Reiki: Part Four
Jul 09, 2024
In our final part of this four-part series, “Discovering the Healing Power of Reiki,” we conclude with our last questions covering the nature of what can be healed with Reiki and more practical considerations of this wonderful healing phenomenon.
What Can Be Treated with Reiki?
Everything! When it comes to the list of conditions that Reiki can help with, there truly is no limit. This is because the universal life force energy transmitted during a Reiki session helps in a very broad and holistic fashion. Whether you’re dealing with a physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental challenge, Reiki can help. In fact, Reiki has been shown to help with virtually any illness, including cancer, heart disease, AIDS, asthma, pain, cuts, headaches, colds, addictions, and depression. The deep relaxation produced via Reiki sessions is so important for long-term health; generally speaking, more Reiki sessions produce better results.
Do Reiki Practitioners Diagnose?
No. An important aspect to remember about Reiki is that Reiki practitioners are trained to never diagnose you and should never communicate anything to you that resembles a diagnosis or a description of any medical symptoms. Instead, practitioners use sensory language to simply describe what they are feeling or experiencing during your session without connecting it in any formal way to a medical diagnosis. If any sensations or experiences that are communicated to you by a Reiki practitioner make you concerned, please consult your medical physician for a possible diagnosis.
Does Reiki have Side Effects?
While Reiki itself does not have any direct side effects in the way that prescription medication can, there are some general things to watch out for anytime healing begins to occur in your body. For example, Reiki can stir up stagnant energies, releasing toxins inside your body. In this case, it is possible for recipients of Reiki energy to experience headaches, loose bowels, or weakness. Don’t be alarmed; this is simply your body’s way of letting you know that a deep transformation is occurring. Additionally, it is particularly common for emotional energies to be released due to Reiki. Crying, sobbing, laughing, sweating, and shivering are ways your emotional energy may be released during or even after a Reiki session.
Can Reiki Heal Me?
While Reiki can help with nearly any condition, each individual’s response to Reiki varies depending on all sorts of factors. There is no guarantee that can be made regarding the outcome of a Reiki healing session, nor any other kind of healing session for that matter. While Reiki energy will be imparted to you, factors such as your intention, your background, and the nature of your problem can have a great impact on your course toward well-being. We encourage each individual to begin their own healing process at home by setting their mind on visualizing their healing being manifested even before coming in. Often, a big step towards healing yourself is simply realizing that you need healing and taking action to receive it.
To book a Reiki session with me, head on over here and schedule an appointment today.
Thank you and Namaste.