Discovering the Healing Power of Reiki: Part Two
Jun 25, 2024
Last week, we began our exploration into the wonderful world of Reiki and what it can mean for you. This week, we continue answering some common questions surrounding this wonderful healing process.
How Does Reiki Energy Flow?
Universal life energy extends out of a Reiki practitioner’s hands and into the patient’s body, but many factors can impact this transfer method. For example, if a patient is dealing with a particularly difficult blockage, the practitioner or patient may feel the energy flowing more slowly due to more time needed to undo the blockage. The patient’s willingness to accept change can also be a factor. For patients who are truly stuck and have identified with their blockages, it may take more time for Reiki energy to work within the patient’s energetic field.
What is Reiki Attunement?
A Reiki attunement is a ritual performed by a Reiki master on their student in order to transfer the healing power and art of Reiki into the student’s energetic body. Unlike other forms of healing, Reiki is passed down primarily through direct physical and energetic transfer rather than through lessons or teachings. The Reiki master will set various Reiki symbols that symbolize power, mental/emotional health, and distance healing upon the palms and crown of the student in order to make this transfer. Over a series of three Reiki attunements, the student will deepen their connection with the universal life force energy and be prepared to use Reiki to heal others.
Will Reiki Run Out?
The beauty of Reiki is that it taps into the life force energy of the universe to enact its form of healing, and this universal energy will never run out. However, just like everyday people, Reiki healers must monitor any blockages that might occur within their bodies due to stress. They must diligently ensure they are energetically healthy to perform Reiki healing on others. If blockages or illnesses live inside the Reiki healer’s body, even though the universal life force energy is there, they may not be able to tap into it, or they may inadvertently pass on negative or unclean energy to their patient. For this reason, it can be wise to inquire into the health and well-being of your Reiki practitioner each time you plan on receiving healing.
What is the Purpose of the Reiki Hand Placements?
A Reiki healer’s primary tools are their own hands, for these are the main conduits that channel the universal life force energy into the patient. As the healer moves their hands around the patient’s body, they place them at different points for five minutes at a time, making sure to feel the energy fully flowing before moving to the next. This ensures that balance and equal consideration is given to each part of the patient’s body, both energetic and physical. The body must be in perfect balance and alignment for its natural energy to flow freely, so the practitioner always works to ensure their healing supports this goal.
Be sure to continue reading next week as we continue to explore your most popular questions on Reiki!
To book a Reiki session with me, head on over here and schedule an appointment today.
Thank you, and Namaste.